ornate library

God Understands and Is Compassionate Toward Parents of Prodigal Children and Links To Begin The Week- May 13, 2024.

Link to a previous post on my blog

Do you interrupt your schedule and move quickly to serve someone else or to obey God… like Abraham did?

Links to things I’ve read recently

You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking.

God Understands and Is Compassionate Toward Parents of Prodigal Children

6 Reasons Why Christians Behave Badly

Cling to the Light: How to Cope When Suffering with Depression

Raising Kids Right in a Transgender World

You Are What You Pay Attention To

Hospitality Toward the Indwelling God

Do You Practice?

5 Things Prayer Has the Power to Do

Cling to the Light: How to Cope When Suffering with Depression

Zeal for your house has (not always) consumed me

How Can I Be a Godly Mom?

Link to a video I’ve recently watched and will rewatch

My Epic Documentary Series Is Now Free to Watch

Links to books I’ve recently started

I usually have about 15 books going at once. These are ones that I have started in the last week. I often reread books that I find enlightening. I obviously don’t agree with every statement in these books. Often, I find books written by those without any Christian faith to be very stimulating as they are addressing issues that are faced by all people.

Andrew David Naselli. Romans: A Concise Guide to the Greatest Letter Ever Written

Jared C. Wilson. The Storied Life: Christian Writing as Art and Worship

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