A weekly reading experience that brings you the best from the vast and growing world of online faith-based and faith-challenging writers.
Links to begin the week
You want to read but which books? There are examples of faith from Church History but how would you find them?
Lessons we can learn
During his time on earth Jesus preached to the crowds, presented his Messianic credentials to the leaders and trained the twelve to carry on his work after he died. The leaders saw the miracles, heard the words, and saw how he acted. After a time, they reached their decision. Jesus did what he did because […]
I will be reading these books in the next few months. I have found them in various places. I will post reviews of them on the blog as I read them. Thoughts on Digital Libraries in 2025 I recently read this post by Tim Challies. His library building plan is the same as mine. I […]
Link to a previous post on my blog. What is the first thing you want to do if you believe that Jesus can return at any time? Links to things I’ve read recently. You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking. Don’t Turn Off the Christmas Music 10 […]
The Collected Best Christian Books of 2024 This is Tim Challies annual summary. It is the broadest and the best. I have opened most of the links and it has influenced my reading choices for the coming year. The Gospel Coalition 2024 Book Awards These are good choices in broad areas of interest. My favorite […]
Mark 10 etc. Two ways we might be baptized as a Christian that we usually don’t think about James and John’s Request Jesus prepared the disciples for their future by teaching them about his suffering and death. After one of these times James and John asked him if they could sit at his side in the […]
What Bible will I be using? I will be using the ESV translation. It is my choice for my private study. I will be using the wide margin edition to fit my notes in the text. ESV Single Column Journaling Bible There are also spiral bound editions but they are multivolume editions. In the one […]
Link to a previous post on my blog. What five things do we need to do to lead a peaceful life? Links to things I’ve read recently. You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking. Four Biblical Steps to Breaking Bad Habits in the New Year […]
Link to a previous post on my blog. What if Jesus told you something twice, would you listen? Links to things I’ve read recently. You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking. What Did Mary Know? Maybe More Than You Know 10 Key Bible Verses on […]
Link to a previous post on my blog. How do we know when we are not being faithful to God? The answer might surprise you. Links to things I’ve read recently. You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking. How and Where the NT Authors Reaffirm […]