A weekly reading experience that brings you the best from the vast and growing world of online faith-based and faith-challenging writers.
Links to begin the week
You want to read but which books? There are examples of faith from Church History but how would you find them?
Lessons we can learn
God is totally unique and we should never treat him as less than he is and sometimes we do.
These links point to articles about aging, reading the Bible, the intolerance of so called tolerance, persecuted Christians, Christians in Iran, and a socialism conference.
These links point to articles on evangelism in Africa, bad reasons to go to church, spiritual warfare, climate change, and more.
These links are to my articles on the faith of Abraham and King David, and articles on the most politically incorrect in the Bible, the DNA of the Philistines, and more.
These links are to articles on infertility, aging, unbelieving children, Amazon.com and more.
These links are to articles about persecution, smuggling Bible into China, a worships song in the Hong Kong protests, and more.
These links are to my article on Saint John Chrysostom and articles about the truth of Christianity, a father’s regret over abortion, death, and loneliness.
These links are to articles about euthanasia, Boko Haram, sexual abuse by missionaries, persecuted Christians, and prayer.
These links point to articles about evil in the world, getting older, different types of Muslims, Christians refugees denied asylum, and more.