A weekly reading experience that brings you the best from the vast and growing world of online faith-based and faith-challenging writers.
Links to begin the week
You want to read but which books? There are examples of faith from Church History but how would you find them?
Lessons we can learn
These links point to my post about God sending workers into the spiritual harvest as well as articles on faith, depression, suffering, choosing a spouse, and more
Jesus claims to be The Good Shepherd. What does that mean and how is described in the Bible?
These links point to my post on avoiding poverty and other articles on loved ones seeing us from heaven, the universe is designed for life, church membership, and more.
These links point to my posts on what the book of Romans is about and links from my readings on self-control, our children’s sin, missions, life after pardon from a life-sentence, persecution in China, declining church attendance, teenagers, Woodstock after 50 years, and Darwinism.
These links point to my post on humility in the Christian life, as well as articles on the rhythm of aloneness and community in the godly life, living as a Christian at college, a Yale professor who renounced Darwin, Christians who are leaving the faith, socialism, health benefits of going to church, and the possibility of being a gay Christian.
These links point to my article on victory and obedience and other articles on being a prodigal, drifting from the church and the faith, mass conversions in Iran, an abortionist admitting to killing babies, presenting a convincing case for Christianity, the report with extensive photographs of a visit to the scenes from the lives of Chesterton, Lewis, Tolkien, and John Henry Newman, the power of Amazon over Christian publishing, and more.
These links point to my post of the value of people and others articles on our bodies, transgenderism, religious liberty, simplifying our clothes, and more.
These links point to articles about Chick-Fil-A, living together before marriage, educated people, success, leaving a legacy, sex-selection abortion, and more.
The links in this post point to my post of the call of the prophet Isaiah, as well as posts on boredom, Mariano Rivera, archaeology, Ethiopia, radical Islam, travel, miserable marriages, and more