A wall of stained glass

What a Rare Brain Cancer Is Teaching Me about the Art of Remembering and Forgetting and the rest of the Links To Begin The Week- September 16, 2024.

Link to a previous post on my blog.

David…. Goliath… and you

Links to things I’ve read recently.

You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking.

What a Rare Brain Cancer Is Teaching Me about the Art of Remembering and Forgetting

The Marvelous Mundane: Embracing the Slow Work of God

The Quickest to Anger Are Often the Slowest to Forgive

Church is Our Evangelism Strategy

‘Believing Alone’ Is a Spiritual—Not Just Civic—Problem

What Is Distinct about the Theology of Hebrews?

What Did Paul Mean by “New Creation”?

Thinking Biblically in All Areas of Life

When Charles Spurgeon Took on Slavery and Billy Graham Took on Segregation

Do Christians Have Enemies?

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