Stained glass window in a gothic church

David…. Goliath… and you

The Sling

We are all familiar with the story of David and Goliath. I would like to focus on is a small part of the story, the sling.  The sling that propelled the stone that killed Goliath.

Most of us are not familiar with the type of sling that David would have used.

The first link shows part of a competition using this type of sling and the second link shows a young Afghan shepherd demonstrating his sling.

Balearic slinger at Sa Pobla, Mallorca

Afghan Shepherd Boys With Slingshots

Using the best tool

David was skilled with his sling. He had used it to protect his father’s flocks.

King Saul offered David his armor.  It was more impressive but it was not the right tool.  David was not practiced with it. Also, the sling was more effective at a greater distance.

As he approached Goliath, David was confident in his sling and his skill.

The sling may have been a common tool but it was effective. David killed Goliath.

David was a shepherd. So was Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  God would use a shepherd to fight Goliath.

The shepherd would also become a model for leading God’s people culminating in the Good Shepherd, the Messiah.

Our Strengths and Weaknesses

A wise response to thinking about David and his sling would be to spend some time alone and list those skills where we are very good.

We should focus on places of service that use our best skills and the tools that we have mastered.

We should also list those areas where our skills are not that developed, where others are much better.  It would be better for others to serve in these areas.

Questions for consideration:

What are tools and skills that you use well?  How can you further develop them and use them in God’s service?

What are tools and skills where you do not excel?  Should you invest in developing them or suggest others for service where they are needed?

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