Sometimes we make life more complicated than it needs to be

Life doesn’t need to be as complicated as most of us make it.

We own too much and our stuff has become a burden. How did couples ever live with one car?

We need every little thing we own and can’t find some things when we really need them.

We do too much and we need and like all that we do to do but in the end we’re often bored.

We’re busy and bored so we just add another package to the cable plan and it just takes us longer to flip through our options that still seem to be more of the same.

Early Christian monks reminded their world and ours that “Busyness is moral sloth.” We can’t face our real issues so we just fill up our schedules.

Of course, minimalism for minimalism’s sake doesn’t solve anything. We need to focus on the things that matter, things that will last into eternity. Our possessions are tools or clutter. Our time commitments are service or busyness. We need to step back and courageously focus our lives.

This excellent article from Christianity Today challenged me on this issues.

I hope it challenges you as well. If we need to, let’s get rid of one thing and one time commitment this week.

1 thought on “Sometimes we make life more complicated than it needs to be”

  1. I forwarded this blog to friends, as I often do. This hit a chord more than any I recall. Seems many of us find this an attractive challenge.

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