This is a book that most of us need to read. It is an excellent overview of the presidents and, indirectly, gives insights into our current political situation:
America has had presidents who:
were lazy and did very little
abused women
were alcoholics
who hated former and future staff
who wanted badly to be president and got elected but didn’t know what to do after they were in office
who hated and tried to hamper future presidents
used the press and politicians to magnify their achievements and hide their failures
We have also has presidents who:
had a vision for how to change the country and worked very hard to implement their vision
worked hard after they left office and loved America as long as they lived
rarely criticized their predecessors or future presidents
who continued to serve America after they left office
who left changes that improved America for decades if not permanently
From Washington until the present:
We have divisions and politicians have tried to promote themselves and hinder their opponents.
President Harry Truman said “The only way to get rich in politics is to be a crook.”:
Some former presidents have gone back to live where they were raised and lived quiet, simple lives. They were highly regarded by their neighbors and consulted by business and political leaders on local, state and national issues.
Some former presidents acquired far more money than they ever had earlier in life and lived lives of fame and fortune. No matter how much fame, fortune, and influence they had, they were never satisfied.
Final words:
Some of us have lived long enough to experience a number of these presidents and have heard stories from our parents about earlier ones as well.
If we talked about our opinions, I’m sure we would agree on some things and disagree on others.
But, we should read this book and think.
There is a lot to think about and many lessons that apply to our lives in America today.
Highly recommended.
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Thanks for the helpful comments about “Confronting the Presidents.” I plan to read this book!