A weekly reading experience that brings you the best from the vast and growing world of online faith-based and faith-challenging writers.
Links to begin the week
You want to read but which books? There are examples of faith from Church History but how would you find them?
Lessons we can learn
These links point to articles about minimalism, prayer, sexual morality, the local church, and more.
We can learn how to live in times of suffering by following examples in the Bible
These links point to articles about persecution, race in America, the Reformers, and more.
These links point to articles about Kazakstan, China, Azerbaijan, and more.
These links point to articles about C. S. Lewis, religious liberty, sad people, and more.
the Fall Newsletter from Western Seminary
These links point to articles about danger to Jews in Europe, smartphones, pain, Indonesia, and more.
these links point to articles about addicts, ISIS, Belgium, persecution, and more.
These links are to articles about suffering, grieving, adultery, Russia, and more.