A weekly reading experience that brings you the best from the vast and growing world of online faith-based and faith-challenging writers.
Links to begin the week
You want to read but which books? There are examples of faith from Church History but how would you find them?
Lessons we can learn
These links point to my blog about when people should not feel unclean as well as articles on a rabbi’s warning to Christians, people who feel that they do not so much for God, weeds in the Christian world, why Jesus will tell some people that He never knew them, is Jesus the only way to heaven, China’s cultural genocide, the abortion debate, marriage and cohabitation in the U.S. and a website that will help people play hymns.
These links point to my article on God’s desire to give us more than we want and to articles on how an atheist needs God for morality, how to expand your global vision, 6 types of members who build up a church, praying for unbelieving family members, 28 reasons why we should persist in prayer, loneliness, why we should go to church, what do we want to be like when we are old, and why we should go to bed one hour earlier.
These links point to my blog post on the confidence of the Virgin Mary and articles on prayer, Chick-fil-A, being a Protestant, heaven, lessons from Luther’s preaching, evangelism, great literature, Calvin, and more.
These links are to my post about God’s power in difficult circumstances and posts from my reading on the following subjects: God’s love, fertility, hostility toward Christians, happiest saints, Aramean Christian rights in Israel, sin, reading, skinny cows and church offerings, and avoiding compartmentalization.
These links are to my post on Christian unity, a rooted life, Africa, Islam, Algeria, marriage, 20- somethings, evil and suffering, and more
This week’s links point to my post on getting a juicy bit a insider information, and links from my reading on suicide and heaven, the book of Jude, the book of Hebrews, C. S. Lewis, grace in a courtroom, why we should join a church, broken families and politics, an ancient Canaanite city, an Evangelical wins the Nobel peace prize, noise everywhere, letter writing, and deep reading.
These links point to my article on similarities between the books of Moses and the book of Joshua, and links from my readings about prayer, Iran, China, Africa, Hell, and more.
These links are to my article on C. S. Lewis’ doubts, personal holiness, reaching secular friends, a clean-up in Los Angeles, North Korea, patience, culture wars and children and more.
These links point to my post on why love is so important, lessons learned by a general on the battlefield, persecution, God in our hard times, missing father and violence, toxic relationships, and more