Links to Begin the Week- August 26, 2019

Link to a previous post on my blog

The humility and calling of a Christian

Links to things I’ve read recently

You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking.

The Rhythm of the Christian Life: How Life Alone and Christian Community Go Together

Staying Strong as a Christian at College: Insider Advice for Students and Parents

Famed Yale computer science professor quits believing Darwin’s theories

3 Questions D.A. Carson Asks Potential Apostates

9 Steps Toward Apostasy

A Letter to the Christian Who Hasn’t Been to Church in a While

Thoughts From a Hipster Coffee Shop

Medical Researcher Reveals Surprising Benefits of Attending Religious Services

Charlie Danaher: In honor of Gay Pride Month, let’s speak the truth, lovingly

Challenging “Gay Christian” Identity

Links to books I’ve recently started

I usually have about 15 books going at once. These are ones that I have started in the last week. I often reread books that I find enlightening. I obviously don’t agree with every statement in these books. Often, I find books written by those without any Christian faith to be very stimulating as they are addressing issues that are faced by all people.

Jonah Goldberg. Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics Is Destroying American Democracy

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