Why did Jesus come and why will he return?

Why would Jesus open a scroll, quote a Bible verse,  stop in the middle of a sentence, and close the scroll?

Jesus’ full Messianic ministry required two comings. People did not expect this but he prepared them for it as he taught.

The synagogue in Nazareth

After his baptism, the first cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem, and some initial miracles, Jesus returned to Nazareth. He spoke in the synagogue he attended while growing up in the town. He and his family were well-known as were his first miracles.

He was handed the scroll of the book of Isaiah and he unrolled it and read from chapter 61.

This prophecy predicted that Messiah preach to the poor, heal the blind, and free captives. Curiously, he stopped before the end of the sentence leaving out the prophecy about the coming of Messiah being part of the day of God’s vengeance. (Isaiah 61:1-2; Luke 4:11-19)

He told them that the prophecy was fulfilled that day as he spoke.

They reacted with mixed surprise and affirmation. They knew him from childhood and thought well of him but this was certainly beyond their expectations.

The move to Capernaum

They ultimately rejected him and he cited the rejection of prophets by those close to them and he left Nazareth. Capernaum became the base for his ministry.

What Jesus did

During his first coming Jesus preached repentance and salvation. He also healed the sick as acts of mercy and signs that he was the Messiah.

What he did not do in his first coming

When he returns, he will judge humanity. Those who rebelled against God and refused his offer of salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice will not be a part of the eternal kingdom. 

Jesus came as a sacrificial lamb and will return as the Messianic King who will reign over creation.

Some people only want one of these. Some only emphasize one but both are essential and both are Messiah.

Grace and judgement, salvation and sovereignty are all a part of  Jesus’ work as Messiah. 

Jesus’ full Messianic ministry required two comings. People did not expect this but he prepared them for it as he taught.

Questions for consideration:

Do you look forward to Jesus’ return? What would it be like if he came back tomorrow?

How do most of your friends think the world will end?

2 thoughts on “Why did Jesus come and why will he return?”

  1. “Do you look forward to Jesus’ return? What would it be like if he came back tomorrow?”

    * It would be glorious if Jesus returned tomorrow to rapture His church! Glorified body, no more tears/sin/death/decay! My wife and I are ready ASAP.

    Thank you, Bob.

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