stained glass at the end of a church

What You Read Builds Who You Are and the rest of the Links To Begin The Week- June 24, 2024.

Link to a previous post on my blog.

What will be your final words to those who will listen?

Links to things I’ve read recently.

You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking.

What You Read Builds Who You Are

The Golden Rule for Hard Conversations

4 Ideas to Help Us Make Better Use of Our Time

Do You Envy the Wicked?

The Cost of Discipleship Pales in Comparison to What We Gain in Following Jesus

Escaping the Trap of Self-Righteousness

How Do I Know If I’m One of the Elect?

The Problem with Our Productivity Obsession

God … the Father?

The Man Who Introduced American Evangelicals to C. S. Lewis

Links to books I’ve recently started.

I am discontinuing this section of the Links and will recommend books in a separate post that will come out on Fridays.

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