Most of us do not live subsistence lives.
We have the freedom and the resources to make choices. Some of us have enough time and money that we can spend a lot to entertain ourselves.
All of us have 24 hours in every day.
We fill that time with something.
Over 3000 years ago Moses wrote a psalm in which he asked God to help him use time wisely. (Psalm 90:12)
Almost 2000 years ago Paul wrote to the Ephesian church and told them to be wise and make the best use of their time. When he wrote to the Philippian church he advised them to focus on good things and live good lives. When they did this they would experience God’s peace. (Ephesians 5:16; Philippians 8:8-9)
Greg McKeown has written Essentialism, the disciplined pursuit of less. (Crown Books, 2014).
This book leads readers through a process of selecting the best way to invest their lives. This is not a religious book but it addresses an issue that all people, religious or not, need to deal with if their life is going to have meaning. We can live unfocused consumptive lives or we can choose to invest ourselves wisely.
Monk Mode
A post on McKeown’s blog tells how he went into the simplicity of monk mode to finish his book.
Some people treat life like a game of Monopoly where the goal was to get the most chips. They volunteer for everything. They buy everything. They do everything. There is even advice which says that when you want someone to do something ask a busy person. They’ll find time to do it.
The Christian’s unique place
A Christian is not looking for the most stuff. Paul wrote a powerful passage to the Corinthian church where he said that each member of the Trinity is involved in our giftedness and our service in God’s kingdom. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to God’s people. Jesus gives them a place of service in the Church and and God the Father empowers their service.
We are given these things for the common good not merely for personal benefit. Christians are not looking to have it all but rather they are looking for their unique place of service. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)
What are characteristics of your life such as available time, money, and talents that can guide you in finding your unique essential place in the world?
What are your dreams for the future?
Is it possible for you to sit still without being bombarded with entertainment?
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Also read Greg’s book. Something I think I and maybe our culture knows is right but we measure busyness as such a milestone. You almost feel like you are getting away with something or are lazy if you earn a living and have freedom….don’t have to complain of the martyrdom of busyness. Yet when I look around and see the amount of stress anxiety etc in our culture just makes me think more and more that the measuring stick we need to use is a paradigm shift and that’s more along the line of Greg’s point. I think for me personally it comes back to me challenging myself and asking how much do I really trust God and how much do I really believe that he will provide versus me constantly trying to take the reigns and control the outcome, especially in areas of money, my business. Thanks for the blogs.
Thanks Bob!! Freedom in ‘margin’ indeed.
Bob, this is very helpful. I especially appreciate your comments on essentialism and the mention of McKeown’s book. I think you have modeled this in your own life!
Carl…Thank you very much…Bob