Pleasant choruses
Choruses and hymns have been based on the uplifting words of the first paragraph of 1 John 3.
3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. (ESV) (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (1 John 3). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.)
A difficult conclusion
However, the songs usually stop before the end of the paragraph and leave out the last sentence.
3:3 And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure. (ESV)
Because of what God has given us, including an eternal, sanctified future in his presence, we should live godly lives. We should be unsatisfied with our failings.
We should be unsatisfied with our failings.
I don’t do prophecy
Teaching about prophecy has been very divisive in the Christian community. There have been failed predictions and bizarre strained interpretations of current events that have left many people weary and confused. They have concluded that it is best to ignore any passage that points to the future.
I have heard people say “I don’t do prophecy.” “It will only hurt the Church.”
“It will only hurt the Church.”
“Prophecy will only confuse you.”
The New Testament writers did prophecy
The New Testament writers did not shy away from talking about the end times but they talked about it differently than many people do today.
Peter made the following bold statement:
“The end of all things is near.” (1 Peter 4:7)
He then told his reader what to do because the end was near:
Be self-controlled
Love one another
Show hospitality
Use their spiritual gifts. (1 Peter 4:7-12)
Why do prophecy?
Many of Jesus’s parables were about judgment and accountability. Christians will stand in front of Jesus and given account for their lives: their use of spiritual gifts, their use of the financial resources, influence, talents, and other blessings that God has entrusted to them.
Salvation by faith in Jesus is the gift upon which we build our lives. If we have truly seen Jesus, we will be transformed by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. We are saved but accountable.
Secondly, because Jesus is coming back his followers can face their futures with hope. Those who believed in him will be vindicated. Those who have suffered for him will be commended.
Thirdly, we take comfort in a future when God will banish evil. This evil that burdens and torments us from without and within. We will finally see clearly.
Also, we need to constantly be reminded that this world is not the final reality. It is a shadowland of the clarity to come.
We should live like our next breath is our last because it could be. We will remember for all eternity what we were doing when Jesus returns.
Prophecy should lead us to live more godly lives.
Questions for consideration:
What are you looking forward to most about the eternal kingdom? Seeing friends and family who died before you? Being free from your physical and spiritual struggles? Seeing Jesus clearly? Comprehending truths that have been beyond your understanding?
Of all the things you do each day, what do you want to be doing when Jesus returns?
Of all the things you do each day, what would you rather not be doing when Jesus returns?
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Very helpful! I appreciate your pointing out the practical applications associated with biblical prophecy.
Carl… Thank you very much… Bob
Thanks Bob for this reflection and the collection for this month.
“….we need to constantly be reminded that this world is not the final reality. It is a shadowland of the clarity to come. We should live like our next breath is our last because it could be. We will remember for all eternity what we were doing when Jesus returns.”
What a reminder indeed. Clarity will come…the Curse will be reversed…and in whatever doubt comes, we know we wait as those with hope in this ‘longest engagement season’.
In Him…with Him….for Him…..
Thanks again Bob. –s