Links to Begin the Week- September 24, 2018

Link to a previous post on my blog

What do we do when we want to change our lives but can’t?

Links to things I’ve read recently

Why Millennials ARE Coming to Church

Planned. Purchased. Preserved. How God Saves and Keeps a Sinner

Discontent: Comparing What Is to What Could Have Been

The Unattainable Perfectionism of Millennials

We Need to Change How We Pray

The Problem of Prayerlessness

China on My Mind: Why We All Must Care about Our Suffering Brothers and Sisters

Gay Rights, Hate Speech, and Hospitality: Longings of a Former Lesbian

Can Christians use legal weed? (in 500 words)

Saul Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Radicals

You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking.

Links to books I’ve recently started

I usually have about 15 books going at once. These are ones that I have started in the last week. I often reread books that I find enlightening. I obviously don’t agree with every statement in these books. Often, I find books written by those without any Christian faith to be very stimulating as they are addressing issues that are faced by all people.

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