We would like victory over our problems but God expects something different.

We want victory, a final banishing of our sins and weaknesses but God wants something different, a long pilgrimage of falling and getting up again.

We fall and get up

An outsider asked a monk, “What do you do in a monastery?”

He expected some spiritual answer about prayer and chanting and silence.

The monk answered. “We fall and we get up. We fall again and get up again.”

The monk explained that monks sin and confess and repent and do this process over and over again.

Focus on our victories versus focus on Jesus

In chapter 11 the author of the book of Hebrews lists achievements of faith by biblical heroes.  He then begins chapter 12 with a great application.

These heroes of faith have done great things. We can live the life of faith as well.  To empower this life of faith we are to focus on Jesus.  What we focus on in Jesus is his obedience in submitting to being executed on the cross.  The author tells us that Jesus did this because he could see the future. It was part of God’s plan. He has been elevated to a place of supreme honor in the eternal kingdom because of what he did.

We do not focus on victory but obedience.

Victory and Obedience

If you check a concordance for the references to victory in the Bible the vast majority refer to victory by God.

If you check for the references to obedience vast majority referred to our obedience to God.

Final victory when we are glorified

There will be a final victory for Jesus’ followers when we leave our sin behind and enter the eternal kingdom.

We want victory, a final banishing of our sins and weaknesses but God wants something different, a long pilgrimage of falling and getting up again.

A book that I am reading now that has influenced this post:

Jerry Bridges. The Pursuit of Holiness

Questions for consideration:

What do you want to be doing when Jesus returns?

What are the next small steps you need to take in your life?

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