Christmas represented in stained glass

Life of Christ- Luke 2 Two ways that God shows that he is in control of Christmas. repost

Two ways that God shows that he is in control of Christmas

First, he named John the Baptist.

Then, he named Jesus.


Naming is very important. Parents usually name their children

We also get to name the things that belong to us.  Things that we want to receive special treatment.  We name our cars, our computers, our baseball gloves, and any other special possession.

Changing names

Changing names is difficult.  People have had to come home from college and explain to their parents why they are call Jon instead of Jonathan or Bob instead of Bobby or Liz instead of Mary Margaret Elizabeth.

In the Bible we see times where names were changed. God changed the name of Abraham and Sarah. Pharaoh changed the name of Joseph. Nebuchadnezzar changed the name of Daniel and his friends. Jesus changed Peter’s name.

God named John the Baptist

After telling Zachariah that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a child in their old age, the angel told Zachariah that he was to name the child John.  There was no one with that name in his family and people were surprised by the choice.

John’s name (God is gracious) pointed to his role in God’s redemptive plan.  He would not follow his father into the priesthood. He would be the forerunner of Messiah

God named Jesus

Jesus (God’s salvation) was the Messiah.  His name announced this wherever he went.  Others also had that name but it was given to him by God and validated in the ultimate sense by his life, death, and resurrection.

God intervened at the very beginning of the Christmas story to name the Messiah and his forerunner.  He took possession of the incarnation and its provision of our salvation.

Questions for consideration:

How have you acted like John the Baptist, the announcer of the gospel?

What parts of Jesus’ life are the most real to you at Christmas?

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