Jesus, You Need to Help Him…He Deserves It….. No, I Don’t Deserve It

The Centurion’s Slave

A Centurion was told that Jesus had come to his village. He was part of the occupation force that served under King Herod or the Roman governor. One of his most trusted slaves was near death. He had heard about Jesus and asked the Jewish leaders of the town to see if Jesus would come and heal the slave. (Luke 7:1-6)

The Jewish Leaders

The Jewish leaders came to Jesus and told him that the officer loved the Jewish people and had built the local synagogue. They said that Jesus should heal the slave. The centurion deserved this. Jesus went with them to the centurion’s house.

The Centurion’s Faith

When the centurion heard that Jesus was coming he quickly sent word that Jesus need not come into his house but to merely say that word and the servant would be healed. He knew that a Jew would be made unclean by coming into the house of a Roman or a traitor serving King Herod. He did not come to Jesus himself because he thought he was unworthy to approach him. He told Jesus that he was an officer who answered to superiors and gave orders to subordinates. He understood power and he believed Jesus could do this with a word. (Luke 7:6-8)

Two Faiths

The religious leaders wanted the centurion to get what he deserved.

The centurion said he did not deserve to come to Jesus and did not deserve for Jesus to enter his home. He humbly asked for what he did not deserve knowing that Jesus could do it.

His faith was very different from the leaders.

Jesus praises the Centurion

Jesus praised the centurion’s faith and said that he had not seen such faith among the Jews. (Luke 7:9-10)

Luke, a Gentile, heard and then preserved this piece of Gentile faith history when he wrote his gospel.

The centurion humbly asked for what he did not deserve.

When has your faith been like that of the religious leaders?

When has your faith been like that of the centurion?

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