It started with a class and a bicycle in 1973.

In the summer of 1973. I joined Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) staff.

I had just graduated from college and had been planning a career in dentistry.

I competed in weightlifting meets in college. About a year before graduation I met some members of Crusade’s Athletes in Action Weightlifting Team and decided to join the team instead of going to dental school.

During summer training, I took a course in the books of the Hebrew Bible from Walter Kaiser who was teaching at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

The themes we heard that summer became part of his book, The Promise-Plan of God: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments.

At the end of the course the class members chipped in and bought Dr. Kaiser a bicycle. When I asked him about it, years later, he told me he still had it and it was in was in the barn at his farm.

We almost worked together. In 1993 I came to Trinity. He left for another seminary three months earlier.

I have read through his Promise-Plan many times. I read, at least, a few pages each week. It is an excellent overview of the teaching of the Bible as themes are developed over the centuries from the first books by Moses until Revelation, written by the Apostle John.

I strongly recommend this book to remind you of the truths we seek to live out in our lives as we serve Jesus.

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