a Hebrew Bible scroll

Books By J. Carl Laney

Carl and I worked together for 31 years when I was Library Director at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He taught courses in Bible and archaeology and led tours to the Holy Land. He was known for presenting a clear overview of the context and practical implications of the passages he taught.

He is now republishing some of his book on Amazon’s Kindle program. I have read these and recommend them for your study and ministry preparation.

Your Psalm of Praise: Telling Your Story the Ancient Way

The Story of the Apostle Paul

The Story of Moses: From Egypt to Mount Nebo

The Story of Jesus: Past, Present and Future

The Story of Daniel: A Prophet in Exile

Essential Bible Background: What you should know before you read the Bible

Discipleship: Training from the Master Disciple Maker

Other links:

Carl’s website

This is a complete list of Carl’s books published over the last 40 years

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