Stained glass with a cross

We Need Fiery Preaching to Consume America and the rest of the Links To Begin The Week- September 30, 2024.

Link to a previous post on my blog.

When God makes you a promise do you believe him? What we can learn about faith from Abraham and King David.

Links to things I’ve read recently.

You should not assume that I agree with everything said in these articles but I did find them thought provoking.

We Need Fiery Preaching to Consume America 

Exposed to Hope: The Evangelism of Welcome

Bearing Fruit

When God Seems Absent in Bible Reading

Getting the Most Out of Scripture Writing

Why Did Elisha Allow Naaman to Bow to an Idol?

Seven Qualities God Expects In Missionaries

The Ones Who Sow and the Ones Who Reap

Slow and Costly in a World of Fast and Cheap

You Need Deep Cuts from Jesus’s Scalpel

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